“There is no other daycare setting in South Jersey we would rather send our children than Beth El’s ECC. During these critical early years of education, our three children have developed a strong sense of Jewish identity, long-lasting friendships, and emotional bonds with their caregivers and teachers, and have received an inspiring head start on their public school education.”
Mitch C
Walking through the doors everyday feels like walking into our home. Since moving here in 2010 the ECC has provided both of my kids with a fantastic education, a warm and caring environment, and wonderful friends. We could not be happier with this choice for our family!”
Valerie L.
“I like the culture of this institution. The whole place is run like a big family, the values that govern this institution are clearly reflected in everyone’s behavior, be it teachers, administrators, or staff. I am always impressed with the passion and enthusiasm that teachers here have for student learning and welfare. I know my daughter is in good hands when I leave her at ECC.”
Tejinder B.
“We love Beth El because it is a family oriented school, and because of the warmth and individual attention the ECC’s teachers provide to our children in the classrooms. When we first visited the ECC we were impressed with Susan Giglio’s (Kindergarten teacher) high level of curriculum and daily routines. There was no doubt in my mind that this is the right school for our three girls.”
Hila A.
“The ECC has given our four children a strong sense of Jewish identity, wonderful friends, and caring teachers. Our kids have been (and will continue to be) well-prepared for elementary school by the ECC's educators. Not only do we get to leave our kids with friends and teachers that they love, but the ECC's flexible scheduling and adaptability allows us to tailor our kids' care to our two professional schedules."
Stephen and Dr. Rachel M.
“I selected Beth El ECC for all three of my children, and I would do it again. Not only is the care they have received exceptional, the learning experiences and loving and nurturing environment is second to none. I have no worries when I drop off my children that they are in the best of hands. The full day Kindergarten is the premiere program in the area. The teachers provide a nurturing environment while ensuring the students are well prepared for first grade. I have already sent two of my three children to the ECC for kindergarten, and there is no doubt that my daughter will be going too!”
Meredith B.
“For more than 10 years, the ECC has been like a second home for our 4 children. We have watched them grow, learn, and thrive under the care of amazing teachers and staff. When work required an early start or a later stay, we always knew our children were getting love and attention and having fun with their friends. Our occasional guilt for having to leave them for long days was lessened when they begged to stay longer! We look forward to our last few years with the ECC and know that our children have benefitted from their time with the program.”
Laurie & Eric G. with the ECC since 2004, Sam (13), Jordan (11), Molly (7), Zac (3½)
“The ECC provides healthy environment for a young kid to spread roots and sprout. (Rekha V.)
When I drop our three year old twins off at the ECC, they can’t wait to push me out the door and get their day started.”
Aaron A.