Shabbat morning is our primary time for services. We are very proud of our Main Sanctuary service, which is the primary venue for people of all ages, backgrounds and levels of learning to come together in prayer.
The service runs from 9:00am-12:00pm, but as Rabbi Krupnick likes to teach, it begins for you whenever you get there. The service features beautiful traditional prayers led by our hazzan (we love to sing), words of Torah shared by our rabbis (we love to learn) and a full Torah reading by our corps of over one hundred (and counting) readers trained by our hazzan.
The congregation follows the reading in the Eitz Chaim Chumash. Newcomers to Beth El overwhelmingly tell us that they appreciate our “laid back” and “engaging” style and we are proud to provide such a welcoming setting for all.
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturdays: 9:00am (Torah Service: 10:00am)
Junior Congregation
Saturdays: 10:30am