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Planned Giving

Beth El is proud to participate in Life & Legacy, a partnership between the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. Life & Legacy provides training, support, and monetary incentives to motivate Jewish organizations to secure after-lifetime commitments with the aim of building permanent endowments that will sustain vibrant Jewish communities for years to come.
List of Endowment Funds Maintained for Beth El at the Jewish Community Foundation:
  • Congregation Beth El Life & Legacy Fund– this is the fund to use if the donation is a result of pledges to the Life & Legacy Program; it can be used for Beth El’s general purposes
  • Congregation Beth El General Endowment Fund – similar to the Life & Legacy Fund, the distributions can be used for Beth El’s general purposes, with input from the clergy, executive director, committee or arm and approved by the Board of Trustees
  • Congregation Beth El Hebrew School Fund – to be used for Hebrew school programming upon request of Hebrew school committee
  • Congregation Beth El Religious and Ritual Fund – to be used for support of religious observance and ritual at Beth El as requested by the senior Rabbi.
  • Congregation Beth El Scholarship Fund – to be used to provide scholarships to members or children for various things such as congregation dues, Hebrew school tuition, confirmation class trip, special needs religious training, Camp Ramah, other scholarships, as requested by Endowment Committee
  • Congregation Beth El Gift of Israel – expressly supports the Gift of Israel program
  • A fund to be created by a donor – upon request of a donor a separate fund can be opened for purposes not above listed.
Sample language for a Will or a Trust: 

Under a Will:

I give, devise and bequeath [$ FILL IN DOLLAR AMOUNT] OR [___% of my residuary estate] to the [NAME ENDOWMENT FUND OR FUNDS FROM THE LIST ABOVE (leave off the description)] maintained for Congregation Beth El of Voorhees, New Jersey].

Under a Trust:

The Trustee shall distribute [$ FILL IN DOLLAR AMOUNT] OR [___% of the principal and any accumulated income of the Trust] to the [NAME ENDOWMENT FUND OR FUNDS FROM THE LIST ABOVE (leave off the description) maintained for Congregation Beth El of Voorhees, New Jersey].

To learn more about how to leave a legacy gift to the shul through the Life & Legacy program, please contact Josh Laster, Executive Director, at 856-675-1166 or
[email protected]

Thank you to the following individuals who have made a commitment to Beth El through the Life & Legacy Program. 

Mira & Aaron Aumiller
Susan & David Backal
Cathy & Marc Backal
Marcia Baruch Bowen
Donna & Richard Bell
Pam & Bob Benedon
Jodi Berman
Helene & Alan Blumenfeld
Jocelyn Borowsky
Ronit & Chris Boyd
Beth & Josh Brodkin
Amy & Eric Clayman
Herbert (z”l) & Thalia Cohen
Arlene & Harris Colton
Fran & Neal Cupersmith
Leila & Adam Cupersmith
Marsha Dollinger
Alan Dias & Heidi Handler
June & Steven Eisner & Family
Nicole & Michael Gray
Myra & David Gutin

Phyllis Hecsh
Deborah & Edward Hochberg
Beth & Harvey Jacob
Adam Kaminer
Sandra & Arnold Kaminer
Sharla & Mort Kanovsky
Amy & Barnard Kaplan
Jerome Katz
Alison & Andrew Keim
Debra Kelberg
Deborah Shore & Jonathan Korn
Helene & Rabbi Aaron Krupnick
Michael Landsburg
Fran & Leon L. Levy
Suzanne & Victor Levy
Judy & Donald (z”l) Love
Diane & Benjamin Mashioff
Rachel & Stephen Miller
Burt & Diane Nussbaum
Lynn Goldman Paul
Sheri & Jason Pecarsky
Arlene & Ed Plasky

Hilary & Harry Platt
Ilene Rosen & P. Todd Rowan
Sharon & Adam Sackstein
Stuart & Sherry Sauer
Karen & David Schlessel & Family
Harriet Schulman
Robin & Joshua Schwartz
Faye & Gary Shapiro
Stacy & Marc Shenker

Jennifer Sholder
Michael Silver
Juli Mandel Sloves & Glenn Sloves
Lauren & Jonathan Soll
Tami Bogutz Steinberg
Judith & Stuart Wasserlauf
Jennifer & Jim Weiss
Jennifer Jagust & Yoel Weiss
Julie & Jason Whitney
Leah & Jason Wolf
Jeffrey Zeiger
Anonymous (2)

For more information on Life & Legacy, contact Josh Laster or the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc.